News & Events

January 27, 2020

What You Need to Know: Registration for the 2020/2021 School Year

All new students can register at their catchment school between 9:30 am and 2:30 pm Mondays through Fridays. Information regarding the school registration process for all New Westminster Schools, along with a downloadable registration form and a checklist of required documentation, is available on the School District website here.

Ecole Glenbrook Middle School began accepting registrations for the 2020-2021 school year on Monday January 13th, 2020. Students will be accommodated at their catchment school provided they have registered by 2:30 pm on Friday March 13th, 2020. Please note: registrations received after March 13, 2020 will be accommodated at the student’s catchment school as space allows.

Please note that if your home address falls within the Glenbrook catchment and your currently grade 5 child already attends one of our feeder schools–Howay Elementary, McBride Elementary, or Ecole Herbert Spencer Elementary–then you do not need to register at Glenbrook for the following school year. If your child meets both of the above conditions, then they will be pre-transitioned directly from their feeder school to Glenbrook.

Please note that all Early French Immersion elementary students currently attending within the New Westminster school district will also be pre-transitioned directly to Glenbrook, as we are the only middle school with a French Immersion program.

(Unsure about which middle schools serve which elementary schools? Please refer to this flowchart.)


If you wish to fill out an out-of-catchment or out-of-district application for your child, if they are applying to Early French Immersion, or if they wish to apply for Late French Immersion (beginning French Immersion in grade 6), please read the following guidelines carefully.


Out-of-Catchment Applications

In-district students who wish to attend another New Westminster school that is out of the home catchment determined by their home address must first register at their catchment school, and then complete an ONLINE Out-of-Catchment form located here.

Out-of-catchment applications can be filled out from Monday January 13th 2020 until Friday, February 14th, 2020. Please note that admissions decisions may not be finalized before 3:00 pm on Friday June 5th, 2020.


Out-of-District Applications

An out-of-district student whose home address is located outside of New Westminster, but who wishes to attend a school within New Westminster, must apply for admission ONLINE by completing the form located here. Please note that admissions decisions may not be finalized before 3:00 pm on Friday June 5th, 2020. 

If your out-of-district student is accepted to their school of choice, you will be contacted and asked to bring in their registration forms and supporting paperwork.


Early & Late French Immersion: Programs of Choice

Early French Immersion begins in Kindergarten (Grade 1 if space is available) and continues on through to grade 12. All instruction is in French for the first four years. English Language Arts is introduced in grade 4. The percentage of French instruction decreases gradually as students progress through the secondary grades.

Late French Immersion is offered at École Glenbrook Middle School starting in grade 6. These students also carry on in French to the end of Grade 12.  Similar to the Early Immersion Program, students study almost entirely in French in grade 6 and move on to gradually include English studies. Enrolment is limited to two grade six entry classes at École Glenbrook Middle School annually.

Prior to applying for Programs of Choice, students must first register in-person at their catchment school, beginning January 13th, 2020. Registration for Programs of Choice opened Monday, January 20th, 2020, and will continue through to Friday February 14th 2020. Please note that admissions decisions may not be finalized before 3:00 pm on Friday June 5th, 2020.  For more information on these programs, please visit the link here.

Once you have applied at your child’s catchment school, please fill out the applicable ONLINE application form linked below:

Early French Immersion Application

Late French Immersion Application

Again, the deadline for applying to these Programs of Choice for the coming school year is February 14th, 2020. After that deadline, students may be accommodated based on available space.


If you have any questions regarding applications for the 2020-2021 school year that are not answered here, if you are unsure of which catchment your home address falls into, or if you require clarification regarding any part of the registration process, please don’t hesitate to call the school at 604-517-5940…we are happy to help!