September 2, 2022
Welcome Back! The 2022/2023 school year is starting soon!
Dear Students, Parents and Caregivers,
We are looking forward to welcoming all of our students, new and returning to EGMS on Tuesday September 6th. We have been working hard to get everything ready and organized so that everyone has a great start to the year. There are only a few new faces on the staff, who I will introduce to everyone in the coming weeks. Some of the changes in the daily routine, such as the time of lunch are noted in this letter. Teachers will go over school procedures and expectations with their classes during the first couple of days and we will have a school-wide assembly on the first Friday to review them all together.
Although we will not be carrying on with the staggered starts and final bells, we will continue to have the grade 6s and 7s go outside during the first half of lunch while the grade 8s eat inside. They will then switch for the second half of lunch.
We are a closed campus so only those students whose families have made prior arrangements with the office will have permission to go home for lunch. This is for students to go home to eat only, not to go the local restaurants. If your child is going somewhere other than home, they will need to be picked up and signed out by a guardian/parent. We also ask that you do not use services such as Skip the Dishes to deliver food. Lunch is a very busy time for the office staff and it is difficult for them to receive the deliveries. The Fuel Up! lunch program will begin deliveries the week of Sept. 19th.
The outside doors will open at 8:20 am, allowing students to be in the building to prepare to be in their classrooms by the 8:41 am start bell. During this time, it will be at the discretion of each individual teacher on whether their classroom will be open prior to 8:41 am. Please see the full calendar and daily schedule for the 2022/2023 school year here.
On Tuesday September 6th, students in grades 6 and 7 will be attending for approximately an hour. The grade 8 students will be attending for the whole day. There will be team building activities for the grade 8 classes. This difference is based on the Ministry requirements for instructional time, which is higher for grade eights than grade sixes and sevens.
On the afternoon of Friday September 2nd, each family will receive an email to let you know what time your child will attend school on Tuesday, September 6th, and which room they will go to when they arrive. It is our practice that students stay in the same division for grades 6 and 7 (with the exception of Late French Immersion). For everyone that is new, there will be lots of staff around to help direct students to where they need to go!
The following BYOD presentation will give you more information about our BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) program which was piloted last year by a number of classes and will be school wide this year.
If you are here, then you have already found our school website! We are still in the process of making updates for this year, but this is a great place to find things such as our school supply list or our school expectations.. This is also where you can find an archive of our monthly school newsletters, and plenty of information about the Fuel Up! Lunch Program , the MyEducation BC Family Portal, and School Cash Online.
If you would like to watch our presentation about EGMS that was made for families and students of incoming grade 6 students last spring, you can find it here: EGMS Tour. We also have a brochure containing some questions new students frequently have about life here at Glenbrook, which you can view here: EGMS FAQ 22-23
For those wondering about the New Westminster Youth Services after-school drop-in program, it will resume again on Monday September 12th, and run on Mondays and Wednesdays until 5:15 pm, and on Wednesdays until 9 pm.
Students, we will see you soon, and parents, we will see you at the first PAC meeting on Monday, Sept. 19th, as well as the Welcome Back BBQ on Wednesday Sept 21st!
Enjoy the last few days of summer!
Mr. Chris Evans, Principal