Grade 8 Grad Committee

Each year, some wonderful parents volunteers give their time to plan a “leaving” celebration for all the grade 8 students who graduate from Glenbrook in June and move on to high school. This celebration is funded in large part by the tireless fundraising efforts of the Grade 8 Grad Committe!

For the 2023/2024 school year, the Grade 8 Grad Committee Volunteers are Lena Jarabek and Sonia Lyall. The planned date of the celebration event (which is different from the more formal school Leaving Ceremony) is Thursday, June 20th, 2024.  Reach out to the committee anytime via email at

One of the fundraisers that runs year-round is Return-It Express–any empty cans or bottles you may have can be taken to any Return-It station, entered under the school’s phone number (604-517-5940), and all funds raised from the beverage container refunds will be collected and donated to the Grad Fun Day!